The Relationship Roadmap: 7 Steps to Creating Healthy Relationships
1. Enhance Your Love Maps
To love someone, you have to truly know them. Happy couples strive to know each other better than anyone else, and stay up to date about how their partner is growing and changing over the years. It’s like having a map in your mind where you store all the details about your partner, e.g. their favorite foods, recent stresses, pet peeves, biggest dreams and fears. It’s easy to build love maps when you’re first falling in love, because everything is new and you are both eager to get to know one another. But unfortunately, many people stop being curious and wrongly assume their partner will stay the same over time. Everyone experiences major life changes, such as growing older, career transitions, finding new hobbies, having children, or experiencing illness or the death of a loved one. When you understand your partner well and stay curious, by asking open ended questions and keeping a pulse on who they are becoming and what is going on in each other's life, you’re more likely to stay connected and feel closeness through the years as you both grow and change.
2. Build Fondness and Admiration for Each Other
Both you and your partner need to share affection and respect towards one another to keep romance alive. Everyone needs to feel liked, especially by their partner. Unless you keep saying it and showing it, even the most confident person will begin to doubt how you feel about them. By sharing affection and positive feelings about your partner, you build a reserve of positive feelings for your partner and your relationship. This habit of noticing what you love and appreciate about your partner aloud to them, it not only fuels ongoing romance but also reinforces fond memories about your history together. Building the habit of focusing on the positive qualities about your relationship helps you not take each other for granted and makes it easier to accept their (inevitable) negative qualities, too.
3. Turn Toward Each Other Instead of Away
Being there for each other in small ways each and every day is ultimately what makes a relationship feel "right". Happy couples don’t just invest in their relationship with an occasional gift , compliment or getaway while ignoring each other for the rest of the week. They make it a habit to make small "bids for connection" and be responsive to these bids in their regular daily interactions, from taking time to talk at the start and the end of the day, calling or texting, to helping each other out with small requests like helping out around the house or being willing to discuss a problem or complaint, even when it’s inconvenient.
Healthy couples "show up" for one another in small ways throughout every day and are far more likely to show interest, make eye contact, listen, stay present, and be responsive. They are far more likely to say "yes" to their partners' needs for everyday attention, conversation, affection, or help. They treat mundane, everyday interaction as ways to make small deposits in the relationship, which ultimately builds an “emotional bank account” for a stronger relationship. When your partner is there for you, in small ways every day like small talk and helping out around the house, to deeper ways like taking care of you in a medical crisis, you build trust that your partner cares and will always “be there for you” in ways that count. This fosters a sense of general positivity and connection. To revive the closeness in your relationship, the first step is to start seeing mundane daily interactions as opportunities to connect. There are many ways to develop the habit of turning toward each other, building a positive emotional bank account, and deepening your emotional connection.
4. Let Your Partner Influence You
The Gottman research found that in the happiest and most sustainable long term relationships, the couple works as a team and consider each other’s feelings and perspectives and share power in making decisions. They don’t have the “my way or the highway” mentality when making decisions; rather, they try to be considerate of their partner and make mutually beneficial decisions. They try to find a way to compromise when there’s a disagreement. The research also found that men struggle with letting their partner influence them much more than women.
5. Solve your Solvable Problems
There are 2 key types of relationship conflict: (a) solvable or situational problems, and (b) perpetual problems that will never EVER be fully resolved . The hard truth is that every couple has "irreconcilable differences", but the master couples find a way to solve the solvable ones and continue dialogue about the perpetual ones. To improve the chances of solvable problems being resolved rather than causing another fight, use these five steps:
Soften your startup by gently bringing up issues with language that is calm and kind. Avoid critical and blaming language such as “You always/never____!” and instead use language like “I feel____(upset/frustrated/disappointed) about _____(describe behavior)...instead, I need/prefer_____, please/thank you”.
Use “repair attempts” to lessen the tension; "Sorry, let me say that again" or "We'll get through this".
Calm yourself down. Learn to soothe yourself and each other, sometimes take a break;
Compromise... know you can’t get everything you want; and
Tolerate and accept each others’ flaws. Everyone is difficult to be in a relationship with!
6. Manage Perpetual Problems
69% of relationship conflicts are perpetual problems. This means they will never likely be fully resolved. Sometimes perpetual problems become intense, “gridlocked”, and seemingly impossible to move forward on. This occurs because gridlocked topics involve parts of your identity for both of you that are core to who you are as people, such as your hopes, dreams, world-views, and beliefs, e.g. respect, safety, freedom, adventure, etc. When you become gridlocked, your different core beliefs seem to be in utter opposition and you both become afraid that accepting your partner’s views or compromising will mean having to change your core values and beliefs and losing your own own identity. Such gridlocks can cause a lot of pain and bitterness, especially if you keep having the same fights-like "groundhog day"--without any forward movement, and causing further damage. If gridlocked issues continue without learning to better understand each other and simple learn how to manage these differences, the relationship becomes increasingly fragile and likely to end. The best way to make progress on perpetual problems is to become a “dream detective” who is curious about these differences that exist between you and your partner. You need to uncover each of your underlying dreams, so you can figure out how to better understand each other, support each other, and respect what each of you long for on the matter without completely giving up what’s important to you, too. Although you will likely never see eye-to-eye on the issue, or “resolve” the disagreement, per se, you can definitely “manage” these differences with temporary compromises.
7. Create Shared Meaning
The capstone to any healthy relationship that makes it more meaningful and fulfilling is if it enriches your deeper meaning and purpose in life. You support each others’ dreams and also share a vision for your life together, and what it means to be a couple, a family, or a unit. Gottman describes every couple as being a cross-cultural experience. Each couple has unique rituals, roles, symbols, identities, goals, purpose, etc. Couples who are truly happy long-term aren’t just intimate friends who communicate and fight well—they feel like there is deeper meaning in sharing their life together.
Interested in Learning More About Healthy Relationships?
Consider scheduling a counseling session with one of our expert relationship counselors, either in person or through online video, from anywhere in Georgia.
We offer Complimentary 30 minute phone consultations with any of our counselors, so you can speak with them and see if they’d be a good fit for you!
Questions? Call our client care coordinator at 678-999-3390, or email at info@CounselingATL.com to get started.
You remember being in love. When it just felt right. But lately, you’re disconnected, and it’s been so long since you’ve felt that way about each other. Perhaps you feel misunderstood, hurt, or lonely. Maybe you’re struggling with something that recently happened--or that happened a long time ago--and your relationship never really recovered. Or it’s been a long, slow drifting apart. Whether you’re fighting all the time, or you never even talk anymore, you just keep falling back into the same dysfunctional pattern, and you just don't know how to change it.. You’re determined to have a better relationship than your parents, and their parents. You love your partner, and you’re determined to find lasting happiness.
Build the Kind of Love that Lasts
Learn From The Best
Perhaps you tried other forms of "couples therapy" without success, and you're looking for something more effective. You may have never tried couples counseling before, but maybe you have reached the point where something needs to change in your relationship, and you don't want to waste your time and money on something that doesn't work.
At Couples Counseling ATL, helping couples is our specialty; we are a group of expert couples therapists who see couples all day, every day. We are proud to use the most effective and evidence-based form of couples therapy available today.
We provide clinical supervision to new couples therapists, offer quarterly couples workshops, host continuing education events for therapists, and speaking engagements to groups of all kinds, including businesses, schools, churches, synagogues, mosques, and other organizations. Our free webinars and blogs offer expert relationship advice on a weekly basis. We also offer “intensive multi day couples counseling” (or “marathon couples therapy”) for 2 - 4 days. Learn more about the world-renowned Gottman method of couples counseling and research-basis here.
Let’s Talk about Counseling
Still have questions? We would be happy to answer any and all of your questions about couples and marriage therapy. We can discuss your goals and answer any questions you may have about our counseling services and how we can help you.
We are Atlanta’s #1 rated couples therapy experts for a reason. We care deeply about relationships, and we would love to talk to you about how we can help yours.
Get started today by scheduling your initial in-person appointment (80 minutes) by clicking the button below. Or you may schedule a free 20 minute consultation by calling 678-999-3390
We look forward to working with you!
Frequently Asked Questions
We have a range of fees based on clinician experience levels, ranging from $130 - 400 per 45 minute individual session or 80 minute couples session, to several thousand dollars for multi-day “marathon” style intensives for couples. Please click on the link below to schedule a free call with any of our therapists to answer your questions and decide which therapist would work best for you.
Likewise, feel free to email us at info@CounselingATL.com and we will get back to you asap!
Payment is due at time of service, and online storage of credit card information for automatic, recurring processing is the required payment method. We accept debit/credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express) and many HSA cards are accepted, but you will need to verify that your account has sufficient funds prior to meeting with us.
Please note that 48 hour advance cancellation of scheduled appointments is required in order to avoid being charged for the full session fee.
We believe that therapy is an important decision and investment of time and money; you want to make sure you are making the right choice. Having a "good fit" between a client and therapist is critical for a successful outcome. This is why we offer a free 30 minute initial phone or video consultation if you would like to meet any of us before deciding whether or not you would like to work with us. Here are some tips for choosing the right therapist.
Also, if you cannot afford our services, are not able to see a counselor in-network with your insurance company, or need low fee counseling services, please consider contacting one of the training facilities, community counseling centers or educational institutions in Georgia we’ve compiled on this list. Although we are not able to see every couple at a reduced cost, your ability to afford treatment should never be a barrier to getting help, and thankfully there are many privately and publicly funded agencies that can help!
You will need to call your insurance and provide them with the license / degree of your chosen therapist and to ask if they will reimburse you for couples therapy.
Click on the following to see this helpful worksheet; when calling your insurance company to see about the possible costs of working with us:
To view our current workshops, please click HERE.
To learn more about Gottman Couples Therapy, please check out our page.
Yes, we offer premarital counseling! Visit our page to see if it’s right for you.
We offer individual counseling to support you on your journey.
Learn more about our services by visiting our page.
Here is a list of our current support groups that we offer.
Discernment counseling can help you on the right path in making this decision. Learn more about whether this type of counseling is right for you.
We offer two convenient locations in Poncey Highlands and Buckhead.
Learn more about our locations here.